Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Make Your Own Entrace Wwe

Dialogues on Neohumanism (racist)

- Good morning, dear Sure. - The teacher had just entered the classroom, seeing that his only student was buried his face in an old parchment.

- Good morning. - Answered almost automatically without giving much importance to the presence of the teacher. Tula

moved slowly toward the lectern, looked at his young pupil and increasing the tone of voice to a shriek added

- I think it's time to start the class ...?

The girl, without devoting a single second to increased volume of his teacher, continued her study.

- I see that the class you started a while ago. What's that you read both urges your dedication? - Asked the old master at the same time he approached the girl, smelling the scent given off knowledge.

- History. - Replied dryly. Tula

walked slowly to his student and went to the large window that adorned the room, where the Sun came to power furgol announcing a new day was born. Finally the girl, taken from his reflection, he went to Tula a question:

- Why humans are racist?
What if that feeling is part of its essence? Or is the fear of the unknown that makes you despise what is not equal to them?

Surprised by the question, the old man looked away from the window and curious attitude told his student:

- That the history books as curious read. What they find these questions so deep?

Sure, embarrassed by the question of his master, looked up, set it in the eyes of their teacher and concluded:

- In a way yes. The history books show me many human attitudes that lead me to these questions. From earliest childhood of humans, they have shown their racist attitudes against their own brothers and sisters, have persecuted those who are different, not just different races, but different ways of thinking, have been killed, destroyed, damaged ... to those that marked one difference to the established "by the company."

- I see that this history book is pretty good. - Tula laughed heartily as he said the phrase, to continue more seriously. - Well, let's remove some of your questions by pure thought. Let's see ... Do you think that racism can make the essence of being human? Or what is the same "Human beings may hate nature? Sure

thought for a few seconds on the words of his teacher, put his finger to the corner of his mouth and after several seconds of questioning the question of Tula, spoke

- Obviously, the human being at birth is the most that can be impartial, but equally, once the "steps" the Earth is influenced by their environment, from its birth until the day of his death. For all this I'm with you, dear master, it is impossible that the essence of human being there is no feeling, such racism and hatred can not exist in him.

- I think you do not need a guide in your studies. - Top Tula. - For you yourself are able to find the most appropriate reflection. Yet we continue with your question is perhaps the most important of all. What is the reason for the hatred that have exacerbated some humans against their own brothers? Just give you a hint: Power.
's gaze was lost in a vacuum, dispersed throughout the universe, its depth and resurfaced chased a phoenix to continue.

- Power ... - Began duditativa. - Power? - Continued missed. - Power! - Concluded with certainty. - The power plant has a plot that does not want anyone to exceed, because if it does, "the stranger" is at your level. Occurred with the first scribes kept writing and reading out of the reach of the masses for its having the need for them and keep them on their status. I understand, racism is an attitude imposed by the powerful not to see their power challenged, encouraged and consolidated by themselves, but of course, they would not take part in degrading attitudes, others with less intellect and power itself would. Racism is born of the upper layers of society, but ends up in the lowest, to take their actions for fear of different, due to ignorance of the one in front ...

- Exactly, a young student. Those are the main reasons for racism, the first branch and the second fear. Although there is a third that escapes you, which has been lost in your ramblings, but knowing that, you have not mentioned. Intelligence, or rather the lack thereof. If one uses his intelligence, or what is the same capacity to think positively, he will conclude that all are equal, regardless of color, religion, faith, dogma ... So the feeling of racism does not take root in our hearts. Dear Sure, Neohumanism is free of racism and which by definition is reflective.

Just then Sure close the history book, which has compared itself, and attends to his master and is ready to give the day's lesson, which begins:

- And with that we're done. Until tomorrow.


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