Wednesday, March 16, 2011

9dpiui And Super Emotional

From Cancer

At one time I wrote about friendship, but today we'll delve further into this term entering the dark side may present. First I define friendship as shown in the Dictionary of the Royal English Language Academy, and later I will create a personal philosophical depth. Then covers the topic to be discussed: "The harmful friendships." Thus began:
Friendship: personal affection, pure and selfless, usually reciprocal, that is born and is strengthened by the deal.

This is the definition offered by the DRAL., Which obviously falls short of us to express what you really feel like friendship.

Having studied at Seneca, Cicero and Aristotle himself I think the following definition: "The friendship is conceived as a mutual feeling between two people who do not belong to the same family. Whereby establishing a strong and powerful bond that makes us act selflessly for the person with whom we come together, to achieve maximum happiness and trying to minimize their suffering to the minimum exponent. "

thus defined friendship carries no negative element friendship and certainly does not. But there are people who use that feeling selfless and altruistic to satisfy their selfish, even to convert, which at first was friendship, pure hatred.

Human beings are a social animals we need from the relationship of other members of our species to complete us as persons. Without the performance of our environment would not be able to speak, feed, interact ... and ultimately live. This is where the friendship is forged as we have defined before, but sometimes this becomes a positive feeling of hostility, this occurs when a person uses the friendship to satisfy their own needs, take advantage of this emotion and completely undermined, giving rise to hatred. When this happens we tend to stay away from that person, and we understand that this "friendship", we thought for her, it was just a barren dream ... But sometimes the feeling is so strong, so powerful and attractive that we can not leave that person, going into what I call "harmful friendships."

The "harmful friendships" may be extremely negative, especially for people trying to maintain a true friendship with a person who only seek their own enrichment, whether economic, social, psychological ... Usually the subject is intended to help " the selfish "can lose all you have to safeguard their friendship, do not speak only from material point of view, but above all the psychological.
People who are immersed in a friendship harmful lose hope of a real friendship, are isolated from the world around him because they think that everyone acts on interest, self-esteem plummets as possible and of course is not completed as a human being because humans need to others to grow and survive. Ultimately damaging the friendships, the individual "good" is coming out worse off, because "selfish" does not create the bond of friendship and not suffer the effects of disappointment.

At the risk of finding a "friendship harmful" in our way, the search of true friendship is worth it.

below will indicate some points can put us lead to the detection of harmful friendship, this friendship does not meet any of the items quoted below, as these are characteristic of a true friendship.

• A true friend never asks more than you know you can give.
• A true friend is always willing to listen.
• A true friend does not measure the time spent with us.
• A true friend loves us.
• A true friend is always willing to help.
• A true friend is there when you need it, without calling.
• A true friend shatters the boundaries of time and distance.
• A true friend, reproach before anything is put into our place and try to understand what we feel.


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