Thursday, February 24, 2011

How Is Milk Coming From Breast

In this article we will discuss the proper tolerance. In the first term we find different definitions of it for later creating me (and I hope you / as you believe yours ) my own concept of tolerance, which may be distant or close to you typically use. Then reflect on the use of tolerance in society.

As always I will bring up the class definition that the Royal Academy of English Language ( RAE) notes: "Respect for the ideas, beliefs or practices of others when they are different or contrary to their own."

This definition clarifies sufficiently the concept that we want to go, but I believe it is too short and does not refer to acts which by their nature "evil" can not afford, I ask at this point that the input releƔis offers the SAR observe and from this definition, a tolerant person should respect any idea how bad this was, without regard to the implications which could arrive. For me, tolerance is completed as follows: "Respect for the ideas, beliefs or practices of others when they are different or contrary to their own and provided they do not impair the freedom of a third party" This is completely concept of tolerance that will lead us step to the next question: Is there tolerance in the world?

The answer is clear and forceful, tolerance, from a global way, is extinct, has been replaced by economic interest. Governments, the UN, the people themselves ... They are tolerant of companies that can benefit, this inevitably has an impact on ordinary people that perform the same act, for example, tolerate Obama and his ideas, even black, it is the U.S. President . The society in which we live has not to judge people by their color, their ideas, their religion or ethnicity but by their money or power, this is the other side of tolerance.

us continue a bit more in this discussion to get into the "false tolerance" in which all we wrap. Education, thanks to the social struggle has reached every corner of our country has made us aware of tolerance, so much so that we know we must be tolerant of other ideas, religions ... But in the depths of our soul, in the depths of our heart is clear that fear, the fear we feel when someone gives us some idea that staggers our principles,
Do you really accept? In most cases no, listen ... Rather we hear and pass without paying too much attention, lest the ideas of others give us a new horizon to walk, a new view, a new dawn where human consciousness is above wars, greed , of evil ...
In conclusion I would like to give you only one tip to be tolerant of everything and take a step towards Neohumanism ...
listen and reflect on what they heard!


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