Thursday, February 24, 2011

How Is Milk Coming From Breast

In this article we will discuss the proper tolerance. In the first term we find different definitions of it for later creating me (and I hope you / as you believe yours ) my own concept of tolerance, which may be distant or close to you typically use. Then reflect on the use of tolerance in society.

As always I will bring up the class definition that the Royal Academy of English Language ( RAE) notes: "Respect for the ideas, beliefs or practices of others when they are different or contrary to their own."

This definition clarifies sufficiently the concept that we want to go, but I believe it is too short and does not refer to acts which by their nature "evil" can not afford, I ask at this point that the input releƔis offers the SAR observe and from this definition, a tolerant person should respect any idea how bad this was, without regard to the implications which could arrive. For me, tolerance is completed as follows: "Respect for the ideas, beliefs or practices of others when they are different or contrary to their own and provided they do not impair the freedom of a third party" This is completely concept of tolerance that will lead us step to the next question: Is there tolerance in the world?

The answer is clear and forceful, tolerance, from a global way, is extinct, has been replaced by economic interest. Governments, the UN, the people themselves ... They are tolerant of companies that can benefit, this inevitably has an impact on ordinary people that perform the same act, for example, tolerate Obama and his ideas, even black, it is the U.S. President . The society in which we live has not to judge people by their color, their ideas, their religion or ethnicity but by their money or power, this is the other side of tolerance.

us continue a bit more in this discussion to get into the "false tolerance" in which all we wrap. Education, thanks to the social struggle has reached every corner of our country has made us aware of tolerance, so much so that we know we must be tolerant of other ideas, religions ... But in the depths of our soul, in the depths of our heart is clear that fear, the fear we feel when someone gives us some idea that staggers our principles,
Do you really accept? In most cases no, listen ... Rather we hear and pass without paying too much attention, lest the ideas of others give us a new horizon to walk, a new view, a new dawn where human consciousness is above wars, greed , of evil ...
In conclusion I would like to give you only one tip to be tolerant of everything and take a step towards Neohumanism ...
listen and reflect on what they heard!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Is Herpes On Ur Pubic Area

Transcendence of the soul.

sure more than once you will have made these questions:

- Is there life after death?
- Does the soul transcends or dies with the body?
- Is there eternal life? "The soul returns to the" Earth "?

- I go to heaven or hell?

These issues we have raised thousands of times, we have reflected on them and have sought answers in religion, gods, forms of life ... Ignoring the search had to start, avoiding the path we should go, ignoring the fact that everything is within us.

Well, let's focus on the issues we raised at the beginning of the article. From my point of view and in my thinking - which of course is unique and not have to be certain - I will give life to this article, but first I want you to remember no one, not religion, or priests, or priests ... you can be sure of what happens after life, yet I will strive to shed some light on the darkness that surrounds death: Is there

life after death? The question is intricate and difficult to answer but to give "a reliable answer," I will lay hold of our friend and great scientist Albert Einstein, that made the following statement: "Energy is neither created nor destroyed; is simply transformed. " It is clear that all we are, we perceive and think is power, this by itself can not shut down altogether when one comes to an end can not be consumed but rather transformed. This morphism can lead to a change of state where "the soul" - call it whatever we want - not just disappear, but move to a different form of life.For this is there life after death? My conclusion is strong and definitely YES.

continue with the following statement: "The soul transcends or dies with the body? Part of this issue has been resolved in previous reflections, but is not complete. The transcendence of the soul refers to a life "conscious" after death, hence the inference has to be much higher since there is no substrate to which we can bind, there is nothing to what approach to address this issue. But I think that there is a conscious life, but it is presented not as religions but a life in which we choose who will be there, that people will be in the eternal time, circumstances will be with us ...

Is there eternal life? "The soul returns to earth? In a way both questions are answered positively, there is an eternal life which is divided into two parts which we live "physically" and "bypass." Physics is where we are now, and the bypass can be defined as "life after death." As already told us Nieszthe, life is a continuous evolution, but I took him to the evolution of life, this eternal hacieno.

Is there a heaven and hell? Well somehow do exist, but not a final trial that makes us a God they even know us this last trial, we do ourselves. Who better than us knows all our actions and can assess the physical life as good or bad ...? Obviously anyone. According to this Final Judgement itself, life is peaceful and enriching bypass or otherwise suffered, depending on what you yourself decide when you are with your own actions. I remember

again this is my interpretation of life after death, are their own and neither better nor worse than the religions offer us ... Just more rational and fair.

Friday, February 11, 2011

A Letter Of Invitation From A Church

In the search for truth over time

For millennia man has endeavored to find the TRUTH She sees this as an affirmation that shed light on the existence that make life easier for us, leading us to extremes of wisdom and wealth, that will take us to a living paradise ... But this truth has always been elusive, has tried to stay as far away as possible, has looked for ways to remain hidden from the eyes of those who wanted to look, and as homo sapiens always been "invented" things, persons, institutions, states ... (God, religion, dictators, visionaries ...) designed to carry the TRUTH and only respecting "his commandments" could be accessed.

Well, although it seems a daring ... I have found that TRUTH: I have found Paredes, I discovered the richness and fullness of joy and wisdom ... and it did not have to go far, but I looked at myself, I'm poking and one hundred percent certain that TRUTH is in every one of us, it only provides full happiness when one is engaged her that dispenses riches galore when one understands that wealth is not what one has, but what you have. I experienced the greatest possible wisdom, which is none other than REFLECTION allows me to put myself in the place of others and to infer their feelings, their knowledge, their doubts, worries and help them, as far as possible to solve them. I found that love is a gift that we must take care and enjoy ... Ultimately I discovered that you can only find the truth when one is aware that nothing external to him (God, religion, churches ...) it can provide. When you are stripped of their economic saddlebags, idealistic, political, religious and gives way to Neohumanism to that way of life that puts at the center of everything, not man or women in particular but to humanity.