Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Unhandled Exception W Gta Vice City

Of Truth banned (Neohumanism VI)

Today I returned to find the truth again banned, the step that nobody wants to take to address the Actually, the lie that deceives our minds wander leaving the widest ocean, and that truth is nothing but ignorance induced some learners you may ask "What's that?" The answer is simple and straightforward, is the ability of some human beings to ignore what's in front of themselves, ignore the real to the extent possible "be happy." The sample is crystalline, not wanting to know anything about politics, social inequality, democracy, war and live in a bubble that nothing can break, facing the morning with a destitution created, keep you talk about reality .. . and all this to find "happiness." That happiness dirty, tense, misleading maloriente, fetid, putrid and ultimately unhappy, the antithesis is served, but it is real these people can not get to Happiness, just choose a "happiness unhappy" that only full of bitterness and doubts.
But I warn my friends, this is not happiness, all that can be defined in this act is a human being contraevoluciĆ³n, ignoring increasingly trying to silence our conscience, stifle our ability to think, lest they face the harsh reality before us, ignore our responsibility to ourselves and to all our fellow human beings. That readers is not happiness.
The only happiness that I see for this view is the awareness and fight, as you can, against that which is contrary to our ideals as Neohumanism, finally killing the scourge that is self-deception for the simple fact of drugging his mind and we cross out of crazy, delirious, of idealistic individual move ... Well no, we who we think about the reality and we want to improve are the future, WE ARE THE Neohumanism.


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