Monday, October 4, 2010

Burton Snowboards Registration Number

of prostitution

For the longest time, it is today with all the freedoms we enjoy as a subject is still taboo prostitution. (Throughout the article, I will turn to prostitution as a purely female, although I am fully aware that men also take place, for such are included in everything we expose on this act.)

Night comes to the big cities and parks, passages ... stays during the day are hotbeds of playing children, the elderly walking, sports ... now filled with girls who sell their bodies to the highest bidder, we can look the other way, but we should not ignore this reality over time, it's time to accept our responsibility as citizens, as politicians, as consumers ... and respond to this problem, because we live in society try to mask this action, but the consent sought, but the use of censorship, hate it but you need. This small incoming
makes us reflect and ask ourselves the following questions What is what has led to the occult this act otherwise would be completely valid? Is prostitution demeans women? Should prostitution be legal?
Before answering these questions I want to make absolutely clear a series of statements that do not mention them may lead the reader to a distorted picture of what I offer:

- I am totally against forced prostitution.
- I take offense to pimping.
- Prostitution should be exercised by those who choose it after the age of majority. Leaving

quite clear about these three statements, I venture to continue the tour gives us the philosophical subject, without further ado let's answer the first question we set out in the foreword:

1 .- What has driven into the occult of prostitution? This question has different answers, there is one that is very evident in the marriage as we know it carries out a "contract" by which the couple swears allegiance, for that, those / as who want to enjoy prostitution within marriage need these actions are completely hidden from society. But this answer is quite simple and all you had come to her, so dig a little deeper in the direction in which this issue has to offer. You know that for a very time the church has been entertaining in promoting the image of women as a devil, the woman he has all the ills of man, was the woman who sin to the good guys, was the woman who opened the doors Hell, it was the woman who tempted men ... Terms could be quoting the church has been attributed to women all morning, but I'll leave it here. Where I'm going with this statement because it is clear, the church has tried to hide, it's condemn those acts that they believed that tempted the man, (of course forgetting that the men made free use of this service) once put more responsibility for the acts of individuals authorities on the outside.

2 .- Prostitution demeans women? If we take the cases that make refencia trafficking in women, the obligation to engage in prostitution or any act that leads a person to perform an act against his will, the answer is NO, NO freely exercised prostitution demeans women in any area of \u200b\u200byour being. Challenge here who thinks otherwise to point any area of \u200b\u200bthe personality that is not affected by prostitution.

3 .- Should prostitution be legal? Obviously that prostitution was practiced freely should be legal, and does not contribute negatively to society or the personal training of individuals, these women should pay their taxes which enable them in their old age to have a pension, should be able to offer its customers a quality service (health checks, dwellings for the purpose .. .) should become active contributors to common stock that would reap many millions, besides the reduction of the unemployed. On the other hand, the legalization of this event lead to the normalization of the situation, and the abandonment of the streets (and that prostitution should be exercised in the places provided for this purpose and regulated by the relevant law to be carried out)
any act in freedom and did not affect the freedom of others should be legal, it is time for governments to stop looking the other way and take a step forward, responding to a situation that are dragging since antiquity, for that society should stop being hypocritical and accept the reality that we live in this area.


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