Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Career In Film Prosthetics


Common Name blood Sheets

The Iresine belongs to a genus of plants that are included within the family of Amaranthaceae . These plants are located in regions of tropical America. It manifests as an admirable plant vertical growth and compact foliage that reaches 30 to 40 cm in height when it is grown in pots for indoor decoration.

This species requires strong sunlight to light it is essential to grow healthy and can display the bright color of its leaves. The lack of light can reach the leaves fade, if that happens you have to change the address.

soft and succulent stems are reddish leaves with short petioles argue, they are narrow and long lanceolate, exotic burgundy with lighter midrib, which measure 8-10cm long.

can remain outdoors all year round provided it is of annual warm climate regions.
is cultivated primarily for its colorful foliage is attractive intense grown so lonely, in addition to an excellent contrast with other green leafy plants.

The compost should be kept very moist, so watering should be so abundant but not excessive. During periods of heat, humidity is very important, so you have to spray the leaves daily. It is very effective

pay it fortnightly from March to September, with a liquid fertilizer added to irrigation water.

The Iresine tiny flowers appear in dense clusters that exceed the height elevation of the plant are yellowish white and small ornamental interest. Flowering takes place in mid spring and is very rare to develop in the interior.

This plant grows rapidly when young and is probably due to transplanting season. Is transplanted in February or March, placing it in a pot to a greater extent. During the growing season is to cut the shoot tips to get you as a shrub.

Between October and March, watering just enough so that the compost does not dry. All s potential problems are usually caused by lack or excess of water causes the leaves to wilt, lose their color and fall. Never let the compost dry out completely, even for a short period of time, on the other hand, one should not over-watering because the roots could rot.

The spread is actually displayed easy from cuttings of 10-12 cm in length, taken in spring or autumn and planted in suitable substrate. In two or three weeks will have developed roots and a couple of months after starting the propagation cuttings are planted in individual pots and a rich substrate.


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