The fable of the Lion and the Mouse
few small mice playing carelessly in the bush, walked to and fro without much regard to the risks they faced. The smallest of the mice carried away by the moisture of an old tree to shelter from the scorching heat of the place took refuge in the shadow of the great cypress shade without imagining that this was where lay the King of all animals. Suddenly the mouse jumped to feel the roar of a lion nearby.
- Who dares wake me from my sleep? - Bellowed the force really angry lion.
The little mouse afraid of death, the situation took courage and said with firmness:
- was I the Great Lord of the savanna, would not awaken him from sleep.
The Lion without stopping for a second caught the mouse in its claws, opened his big mouth and hinted his fierce tusks. Yet the mouse lost a last desperate attempt to save the life action:
- Mi Gran Rey pity on my life and as a reward for his compassion will serve you for life and when you're in a pinch, I'll be there to help me.
Lion's laughter echoed throughout the Savannah, the oldest of the place did not remember such laughter in the mouth of the King, when he finally calmed down, the cat told the little mouse:
- I had not laughed like this, you help me! That's impossible, but still I let you go, but to help me forget how stupid. - Continued laughing.
Time passed and the summer ended, after the summer became the fall, after the winter and well over the years.
One day the Great King, as usual, walked through his dominions watching all his subjects, and strutted her long hair podrosa the savannah, but the situation soon became disgraced, some humans appeared on the scene, observed the great lion, and as driven by the devil himself ran to catch these the beast, the king of beasts ran everything he could, his legs seemed winged, but the machine that carried humans did not appear tired, even though I tried the High King could not escape when they were humans as suficientemete near threw a net and caught him, such was the ferocity of feline humans decided not to approach him until the next day when he would be tired from the struggle. The lion did not stop fighting against those threads Atenza his body, biting hard on the network but their large teeth could not chew those little strands that did not let him go. When the King had lost all hope and just waiting to die in its territory, a small mouse appeared in the savannah and watched his Great Lord locked, it will be approached with caution and with their little feline teething was able to crack the wireless network.
Nobody could ever forget the feat of the mouse.
"Do not dismiss lightly the value of the small as they may be of help."
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