Thursday, November 11, 2010

Megabounce Vs. Microbounce

marriage and gay adoption Of the dead

Before starting to read the article I ask all readers that let a little aside your religious beliefs that may somehow influence the reflection that I give you here. No more I prepare to initiate this controversial topic and give my opinion on it. Hopefully with this writing those less torelantes its senses.

I have not start with a definition to give life to an item, but today I'm going back to do and I believe it can open our eyes to the issue we address. According to the Royal Academy of English Language marriage is defined by these two inset: 1 .- Union of a man and a woman entered into by certain rites or legal formalities. 2 .- In Catholicism, the sacrament proper to lay, by which men and women are linked perpetuanmente accordance with the requirements of the Church.
Based on the reality that the dictionary of the Royal Academy English Language, we must accept that "marriage" itself is a term that includes a man and a woman, besides being a sacrament of the Catholic Church itself, so called "marriage" to unions between persons of same sex is wrong, of course, but this does not mean that against it, let's dig a little deeper into the issue, but of course without using the word "marriage" from now the union will call homesexuales " link.
The question would be: "Is it possible to" link "between same sex?". I could refer to the article "On Love" which made it quite clear that love has nothing to do with sex, this feeling is universal and that a woman may feel love for another or, conversely, a man by another man, and if both partners want to unite their lives and have the benefits of "marriage" clearly should enjoy them, by such civil link between same-sex couples should be, and in Spain is a reality that must change.

Now comes the most disturbing question of the text: Should gay blogs adopt a child? To answer this question we will address the psychological principles of Freud, which indicates that for the healthy psychological and social development of a child, it must bear in mind two things that come from outside which are the maternal and paternal role. The maternal role is characterized by the following:
* Anticipatory: it anticipates the needs of the child.
* Attributes: which attributes meaning to cry, to weep, and so on.
* Giver: because along with the food gives presence and words that introduce the infant in the world of language-symbolic world coded according to the culture to which it belongs.
and paternal function that is characterized by:
* Representation of the law.
* Separation and management of the dyad (mother-child).
* Regulation of maternal omnipotence.
These two functions are basic and essential for the child to evolve properly, if one of these functions fails, the imbalance of the child is insured. If we stay here we can conclude that from the point of view piscológico is unworkable (for the sake of the child) the adoption of gay couples, but of course we will not be here, we expand a little concept Freud maternal and paternal function as such are two functions, but need not be exercised by a man and a woman, it's the maternal role could be exercised by a man and a woman's maternal role, or two men or two women, or the same person, so the conclusion is accurate and unfailingly, POSSIBLE ADOPTION BY GAY COUPLES IN CHILDREN because while carrying out the functions previously mentioned psychological maturity, social and physical child is a fact.


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