The future of the elderly Before fully on the subject I want to clarify some points, some for obvious veran useless, but they are not on the one hand this forethought We will assess what we assume to be so, because we have a long time, and secondly to inform people that because other countries do not enjoy such privileges.
In Spain, as in many European countries, we enjoy what we commonly call retirement, this consists in providing a government subsidy to people who are over 65 years, which may stop working and devote to enjoy without worrying about their seneptud economic issue. (Broadly speaking this is, but as you can understand there are thousands of shades to receive this benefit, such as having worked the past 15 years before reaching retirement age.)
This many take for granted is a privilege not enjoyed by many others working in other countries, because private companies are responsible for this, creating what is called pension funds.
Well, having made clear the concept of retirement in Spain we will address the issue that concerns us here is delaying the retirement age to 67. The government has indicated its intention to increase the retirement age to make sure we enjoy this benefit of all English people continue over time, now come the questions we should ask before giving our opinion for or against:
- Why the government raises the retirement age delay?
First the government sets the goal of this delay for the following reasons:
1 .- The social security system (in charge of pensions among many other things) is unable to bear the compensation for two reasons mainly:
a) Life expectancy has increased dramatically in Spain in 1960 was 65.73 years, currently stands at 81.09, this circumstance means that the pension will have to pay for much longer, this coupled with the increased births in the same manner that causes a gap must be covered.
b) The state of crisis action has to do some renovations in all areas of society, and the pension system is no exception, must be adapted to the economic terms in which we live. 2 .-
continue with this subsidy, without change, (so to continue with the retirement age at 65 years) means that within 15 years, this privilege is untenable for those who need to retire may not do as has done so far.
I hope with this little digression has put the subject to those who, either ignorant of this provision (being from other countries) or look away to avoid seeing the reality and support in the position simplistic "to delay the retirement age is back on labor rights that have been obtained so far." With all this I am ready to give my opinion:
I, as a English citizen, I refuse to resign my right to retire with a certain age at which pension reform is a fact that must be addressed and not look the other way many politicians do and are dedicated to criticize those who are aware of the problem without more (here I get the unions to refuse to everything). I will not throw the stone and hide your hand, so let's give some solutions that could help remedy this problem: 1 .- As
standard retirement age should be in 67 years, at the expense of certain professions related to construction, mining, agriculture ... In which they must maintain in 65 years. (Because their workers suffer from physical strain that do not support other peers)
2 .- The need to increase their pension contribution period (time of work that a partner must have access to retirement), thereby avoiding the picarezca of many who seek to join the last 15 years of work for beneificiarse the work of others.
3 .- Charge a nominal fee to drugs for retirees (Depending on the type of pension received) that goes directly to the case of pensions. We must all contribute to the common good and our older ones too.
4 .- Top 1% of VAT on luxury products go directly to the case of pensions without compensating the government in any way.
5 .- In the individual income tax return to a box where not only directed donation to the church and NGOs (nongovernmental organization) but also for the case of pensions.
Thus we would ensure the purchase of our retirement after reaching age 67. I hope this little discussion has managed to make aware to those who refuse to see reality.
"Just face reality, we can solve world problems."