Thursday, April 28, 2011

Lucasville Oh Flea Market

requirements of indoor plants

Growing houseplants can be anything from a hobby more or less serious than a casual pastime. Some people take care of your houseplants very seriously, while others just want to add some green to your home.
The purpose of growing plants inside our homes is not just because they are a purely decorative element, but help us grow to appreciate and enjoy them all year round. When

we decide to grow plants in our homes we will have to provide the right environment and careful monitoring to make sure that grow in a healthy condition. However, we must bear in mind that no matter what we choose plants all need a certain amount of time and dedication if we are to flourish properly. Similarly, the more we know about the growth of each, the easier it will hit. Often the plant
we want may not necessarily be the right plant for the place that we intended, if the outlay is important to be better to fix it.

Indoor plants obviously need the same elements as plants growing in the garden, ie water, electricity, good substrate, nutrients. but in different doses or intensity, such as indoor plants generally require good lighting, but rarely require direct sunlight and even less if it is intense, hence, the care of indoor plants differs substantially .

Some indoor plants can benefit from time outdoors during the spring and summer, always waiting for the temperatures are warm enough to put out, at no time leave them in direct sunlight.

Plants usually grow outdoors, they benefit from a dose of rain water however, should not have indoor plants in the rain as usual is that the water temperature is much lower than that enjoyed by the plants inside and this can hurt them more than favor and cause stress. It's best pick in a contentious Edor then once water is at room temperature with her plants.

Another element to consider is that indoor plants have different irrigation requirements, it is mainly involved in the species, a fern will need more moisture than a Dracena, the size of the pot is also involved in the consideration, in addition location. The ideal is to use a humidifier to balance moisture levels in areas with dry climates.

As a general rule, flowering houseplants require more frequent watering than plants that have foliage.

Regarding the general temperature and flowering plants also prefer cooler temperatures, especially at night, this will prolong the life of the flowers.

Finally, after choosing the right plant, begins the task of providing regular care.


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