Dialogues on Neohumanism (From the pleasures of life) Night was falling quietly on the city of Alexandria, hundreds of scrolls filled the table impatiently trying Sure devoted to the writings he had in mind and avoid any distraction to take her to think of anything that was not life after death. I had read the great philosophers, had delved into the various religions that spread throughout the world, but still had not found a theory that truly respond to your questions: What is there after death? The soul transcends or goes away with the body? Are our actions in life warrant our eternity? ...
Tula At that moment, his teacher, entered the room and accidentally disturb approached her slowly, looked at the manuscript he was reading and he spoke, making the girl jump from the chair of a start:
- Do you think there you will find the answer to your question, dear Sure?
The girl looked at her master straight in the eye without really knowing what he wanted to refer to and answered with little security:
- If you do not look here then, where should I to go?
- My good Sure, you get the questions have not been answered yet. Humans have sought the answer in something external to them, they have invented gods, heroes have been created, have formed a heaven and hell ... Although they have devoted much time to satisfy your curiosity in this area, have not accepted that life should be lived without thinking about death. I recall with nostalgia my friend claiming that philosophers Socrates devoted to die, as they constantly delve into issues that separate them from the earthly life,
defined this as a dedication to the senses and delights. Although Socrates argued these reflections with some character and foundation, was wrong, carnal pleasures, sensory ... are equally bound to earthly life as abstract reflection. Forgot that one should not put aside his body to engage his mind, he let something so simple and obvious as that no one claimed that there is another life after much broader time and had more enjoyable moments were presented, which were the only ones who were living safely. Sure
began to reflect on the words of his master and asked:
- In this reflection you offer me, would be allowed to do whatever I please, being able to deliver himself to laziness, apathy, to lust ...
And devote my time, as you'll like. - Picarezcamente smiled. - A meditation and reflection.
- could do themselves. But do you really feel pleased with these actions? Would you be fully happy dedicating to laziness, lust, greed ...?
For a second the girl thought the words of his teacher and he thought to apply in the utmost account:
- Why not? I could be happy dedicating myself to those things and forget the headaches that I approach every day, I could devote myself to enjoy my body and feel the excesses in my soul, could ... - And in case observing silent Sure, he lost his eyes for a moment in the void and concluded with a half smile. - You're right, it would not be fully happy, I feel empty, I get tired of this state and do not evolve.
- There you go, dear student. You're on the road Neohumanism is able to enjoy the pleasures of life in a measure without these impound your life, but equally try, through reflection, empathy and wisdom to face the problems posed by you life, seeking their own good and common.
The stars shine brightly in the sky and both teacher and student, were pleased with his new point of view.