T Arget is a well known anglicized target audience, target market or target market. This term is often used to refer to the ideal recipient of a particular campaign, product or service. It is a very important concept, because knowledge of their characteristics and needs is vital for any business.
When defining the target, it is necessary to clarify their property, such as educational level, sex, age or purchasing power. Know, determine the content that you should provide, where to find them and how to address them. Later, knowing their needs and what you can ask expand its offerings with new products.
importance to the launch of a Product or Service
The amount of potential customers, or market size, will largely determine whether your business is viable or otherwise should rethink the idea. It may be that there is demand for their products, or that your idea is novel and in demand, in which case it would be a great opportunity.
Specialization sold. You need to focus your business and provide specialized services. (Nobody can do everything for everyone) Certain mass-market products that consume most of the world. Still need to address and concentrate on a particular sector. Importance
Advertising Campaigns
know the attitudes of a target in front of the campaigns and different media makes it easier to contact them and get the right message, which will optimize the return on investment. Not knowing the target market to take decisions with a large financial cost without any return.