Thursday, July 30, 2009

Lingerie Football Airing Channels

Street Marketing Political, Social and Commercial Radio Advertising

The Street Marketing is a tool that in recent years is being implemented with great success in Europe and the U.S.. It consists of carrying promotion, communication actions and campaigns in urban areas or in commercial spaces using techniques not controlled by media companies, in order to generate greater impact and a more direct approach with consumers.

It aims to make an experience to consumers in their own habitat and can be very effective, allowing us to interact with our target audience (target) and achieved great notoriety.

The key in this type of marketing activities is that there is a planned strategy in terms of objectives, in terms of value of the site or the product, that message connect with the target, depending on their interests and how they are exposed to both online and conventional media, that the message has a value proposition or benefit for them, and finally, be creative and reach the receptor in an original and witty.

ingenuity means bringing the consumer to understand that you own and how you account. Achieved, the impact not only on who sees the action, but also extends the circle of influence in which the person moves, which will make itself prosumer (consumer advocate). In addition to capturing the attention of consumers, this includes same time, to capture the attention of opinion leaders and get them to write or generate "stories" about the idea parallel to produce the greatest possible impact.

Policy Implementation in

The bombardment of political messages is constant, and voters we have become increasingly immune to the saturation of communication. This has led to unconventional techniques, accompanied by the tools that provides marketing, sometimes they can attract a great attention to a proposal or candidate without the need to spend large amounts in conventional media. It is not always necessary make excessive investments of money in a campaign or political action to create closeness, convey an idea or sell a candidate.

Social Application

A command of actors make people feel in their own skin Alzheimer's disease

Business Application Red Bull
performs an action for a period of just over 20 seconds in the middle of Times Square. Its originality and showmanship ensure viral intenet recording.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Pain In Feet After Ice Skating

or "theater of the mind" About Us

Although radio is one-dimensional in sensory stimulation, has a powerful creative force.
Its main advantages are:
  • Cost (most effective means available from the standpoint of cost and cost impact all)
  • Reach and Frequency (reaches consumers in their homes, car, office, when they exercise, etc.. The low cost of air time, allowing more frequent posts)
  • SelecTV Target Audience (Target) (allows selectively targets target audiences on a geographical basis, demographic and sicográficas)
  • Flexibility and Opportunity (advertisers can take advantage of special events and update their advertisement more flexibility and so unique competitive advantage of opportunities)

Target Consultants, puts are at your disposal the ability to make radio advertising in the first level of the city of Neuquén and surroundings, with costs subsidized recording and editing.

+ Nqn FM (98.9)
+ Record FM (104.7)
+ FM The 100 (97.9)
+ Luna FM (94.3)

Arenas + Radio (105.5), Rincon de los Sauces-

Radio Spot "Cabañas Quillahua (Bariloche)

Radio Spot" Cabañas Cumelén (Bariloche)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Secret To Spongebop Monopoly

Consultants offers solutions to your communication needs and growth. Advertising offer advice and tools for you to develop the best business strategies in Patagonia Argentina.
On Target Consultants will find the most efficient way to reach your target audience with an attractive and compelling message.
If you need to present your product, service, company or enterprise, please contact us. You can do so at 0299-155838711 or email:
You are invited to join our network on Facebook / target.consultores